Dresses of all lengths, cuts, and materials are great for beating the heat. The very design of a dress allows air to flow through as you move, and looser designs won’t trap heat. When you’re feeling hot, simply stand up, walk around a little bit, and let the air flow through. You’ll dry off quickly, and be able to resume what you were doing in comfort once again.

This is the time of year to wear a little less and get away with it. Pull out that short sleeve top you put away last fall, or treat yourself to a pair of shorts with a pleasing pattern or design. Exposing more skin lets the body’s natural cooling process keep your body temperature down. Of course, you should show off as much skin as you’re comfortable with and choose garments that expose skin in all the areas that feel right to you.

It’s not unusual for the night to be cooler than the day in terms of temperature. You’re going to want an extra layer for those times when the temperatures have a large shift after the sun goes down.

Working from home made it so you didn’t have to worry too much about dressing for the weather. The home office required dressing up to look appropriate for the camera, but you didn’t have to consider putting together an outfit beyond that. Now that many offices have gone hybrid with partial at-home and in-office schedules, you need to have summer staples that are appropriate for the office.

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